PUENTES in Argentina


360 Families
20 family companions
1 local coordinator and
1 general coordinator

We reached 360 families in the most vulnerable neighborhoods of the city of La Banda. 20 professionals from the Puentes team in Santiago visited 360 families working on family support and community development in 5 essential dimensions for human dignity:

Health and Nutrition
Housing and Habitat
Work and Family Economy
Social Security

Te asesoramos

Te asesoramos en tu proyecto de vida profesional y te apoyamos en la búsqueda de empleo.

Te acompañamos

Brindamos ayuda económica y acompañamiento integral permanente.

Guía de ingresante
in Catamarca

180 families
15 family companions
1 local coordinator and
1 general coordinator

We reached 180 families in 5 vulnerable peripheral neighborhoods of Catamarca city. 15 professionals from the PUENTES In Catamarca team visit 180 families working on family support and community development in 5 essential dimensions for human dignity:

Health and Nutrition
Housing and Habitat
Work and Family Economy
Social Security

Feature one

Porque entendemos que la educación es la respuesta al desamparo que impone la inequidad.

Saber Más

Feature two

Porque entendemos que la educación es la respuesta al desamparo que impone la inequidad.